Océ VarioPrint 1105
The last aspect of the job tab is the ability to
view completed jobs (i.e., the job log). Jobs
are stored with details including user name,
document name, mode (copy/print etc.,),
destination, send type, date. Administrators
can order alphabetically against any of these
parameters, providing an easy method of
viewing activity in any given area.
While this is a useful ad hoc monitoring tool,
the utility also allows administrators to export
the information as a comma separated value
(CSV) file. This now allows the data to be
imported into Excel or a cost management
application where much more detailed
analysis of the activity can be assessed.
For example, this can be used in a CRD to
assign costs on a departmental basis, or in a
professional services company on a client
To ensure the accuracy of this billing
approach, operators can be forced to enter
user ID codes before any job can the
submitted to the device. The department or
client billing code can, at this stage, be input
as provided on the job ticket sent down from
the front office.
The last two tabs on the PageScope
JobSpooler utility are:
1. System, and
2. PSWC (PageScope Web Connection)
The functionality of the system tab is the
same as that found in the Web Connection
system tab, and the PSWC takes the user
directly to the resident web server utility
itself, where the bulk of the device
management and setting information can be
accessed and changed, given the correct
password authorization level.
Device Management
Job log information
exported as a CSV
file for management
reporting purposes