A p p e n d i x – RA I D Sy st e m
I n t r o d u ct i o n t o RA I D
RAI D ( Redundant Array of I ndependent Disk s) allow s m ult iple disk drives t o
be com bined t oget her int o a RAI D Volum e.
You will creat e a RAI D Volum e on
y our unit w hen y ou perform t he set up procedure.
The benefit s of a RAI D can include:
Higher dat a t ransfer rat es for increased serv er perform ance
I ncreased overall st orage capacit y for a single Volum e
Dat a redundancy / fault t olerance for ensuring cont inuous sy st em
operat ion in t he ev ent of a disk driv e failure
Different RAI D lev els use different organizat ional m odels and hav e varying
benefit s. The following out line break s dow n t he properties for each RAI D lev el
support ed on t his unit :
RA I D 0 – St r i p e
When a RAI D Volum e is st riped, t he read and w rit e block s of dat a are
int erleav ed bet w een t he sect ors of m ult iple disk drives. Perform ance is
increased, since t he w orkload is balanced bet ween drives or “ m em bers” t hat
form t he RAI D Volum e. I dent ical driv es are recom m ended for perform ance as
well as dat a st orage efficiency.
The RAI D Volum e’s dat a capacit y equals t he capacit y of t he sm allest disk dr ive
t im es t he num ber of disk driv es. For ex am ple, on e 100 GB and t hree 120 GB
driv es will form a 400 GB ( 4 x 100 GB) RAI D Volum e inst ead of 460 GB.
Summary of Contents for NVRmini 2
Page 1: ...Th e I n t elligent Su r v eillan ce Solu t ion NVRm in i 2 User Manual Ver 2 0 0 140829 00...
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Page 154: ...153 18 Click the Delet e button 19 Confirm the check dialog...
Page 158: ...157 Refer to the section of Cr eat e a RAI D Volu m e to create a volume for it...
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