Clinical Application
Clinical Application
8.1 Instructions for Use in a Clinical Setting
Patient should be in supine posture when a scan is performed.
Ultrasonic gel should be evenly applied to the acoustic window of the probe.
The probe should be placed on the human abdomen at about 2 cm above the pelvic bone.
The probe should be slightly sloped towards to the head of patient, facing the direction of
the bladder.
Press the SCAN key to enter pre-scan mode. Move the probe to find the largest
concentration of dark (fluid) area of the bladder.
Press SCAN again to take measurement. Press the
key to see if both edges of the red line
and the dark fluid area in the gray scale image are overlapped. If the deviation is too large,
rescan the patient’s bladder by pressing the SCAN key. Please refer to Figures 8-1 to 8-10
for examples of invalid scan results (deviation between red line and dark fluid too large)
During scan, make sure to apply enough pressure with the probe to ensure that it is in full
contact with the patient’s abdomen (especially if ultrasonic gel is used).
Make sure the patient’s posture remains stable throughout the scan. The patient should not
speak or flex their abdominal muscles.