NDR-HB4208, NDR-HB4416 User’s manual ver. 1.0
All rights reserved © AAT Holding sp. z o.o.
You can search video from the first to last recorded images, or you can set the start and stop times and
dates. For this last purpose serve the From and To options.
If the DVR’s time and date have been reset to a time that is earlier than some recorded video, it is
possible for the DVR to have more than one video stream in the same time range. Move to Select
a Segment, and select the video stream you want to search..
In case of date/time change, a situation may emerge when two video streams are labelled with the same
date and time. To overcome this, please check the
Check Time Overlap
in order to include overlapping
fragments in the search. You will only be able to turn the
Check Time Overlap
on or off if a user-
defined date and time is set in From and To mode. If the DVR’s date and time have been reset, it is
possible for the DVR to have more than one overlapping start and stop time NOTE: a lower number
denotes later recording time.
Highlight the box beside
You can select the alarm inputs that you want to include in your search.
Highlight the box beside
You can select the cameras for which you want reports of motion detection.
Highlight the box beside
Video Loss
You can select the cameras for which you want any reports of lost video.
Highlight the box beside
Video Blind
You can select the cameras for which you want any reports of blind video.
Highlight the box beside
You can select the text-in devices for which you want report of text input.
Highlight the box beside
Record Channels
You can select the cameras that you want to search for any reports of event recorded data.