User manual reference -
Page 16
Auxiliary relay modes.
Magne c lock mode.
Basic opera ng
With Magne c lock mode selected, the auxiliary relay will ac vate, half a second before the gate opens and remain ac ve un l half a second a er
the gate has closed again.
Whenever a lock is installed with the system, a separate ba ery backed up power supply matching the lock load must be installed. Failure to do
this can damage the charger and ba ery of the control unit.
Below is an example of magne c lock mode when standard BT mode is ac ve.
Ac on
Momentary BT trigger.
Auxiliary relay
ac vates.
No buzzer tone.
Half a second a er
the auxiliary relay has
ac vated.
Gate begins
No buzzer tone.
Gate reaches open
posi on.
Gate stops.
No buzzer tone.
Momentary BT trigger.
Gate begins
No buzzer tone.
At full closed posi on.
Gate stops.
No buzzer tone.
Half a second a er gate
has reached the full
closed posi on.
Auxiliary relay
deac vates.
No buzzer tone.