It is highly recommended that a set of safety infra-red beams be used in conjunc on with this product. The safety beams must be
installed in such a way that the product is prevented from running when anything is in the path of the door or gate.
Over and above the recommenda on to use safety infra-red beams with this product it is mandatory to install and use a safety
beam set when using the automa c closing feature. It is recommended that a warning light be fi ed to any automa on system.
The emergency manual release instruc on label must be installed on or adjacent to the emergency manual release mechanism.
A er installa on - It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure the users:
Is profi cient in the use of the manual emergency release mechanism.
Is issued with the documenta on accompanying this product.
3. Understands that the gate or door may not be operated out of clear sight.
Ensures that children are kept clear of the gate or door area at all mes, and that children do not play with the remote transmi ers
or any fi xed trigger switches linked to the system.
Is instructed not to a empt to repair or adjust the automa on system and to be aware of the danger of con nuing to use the
automa on system in an unsafe condi on before a service provider a ends to it.
Is profi cient in tes ng the unit’s safety obstruc on sensing system.
Is aware of what to check for with regards to wear and tear that may need to be a ended to from me to me by the service
Is aware that a fa gued ba ery may not be disposed of in the general refuse and must be handed in at a ba ery merchant for safe
disposal. Before removing the ba ery from the system the household mains must be disconnected. In the case of the motor unit
being removed and scrapped, the ba ery must be removed fi rst.
Technical specifi ca ons.
Rated gate mass.
Maximum gate leaf length.
Primary power supply to gate.
220 – 240Vac @ 50Hz – 60Hz
(A low voltage plug-in transformer can be purchased and installed if required)
Peak power consump on at gate
Electrical class.
Class 1
Motor voltage.
Motor current limi ng.
5A Star ng / 3,5A Running
Rated duty cycle.
25% with 220Vac present (See determining your duty cycle on page 7)
Number of opera ons on ba ery reserve
within 24 hours of power failure.
100 (Gate load and ba ery health dependent. Based on a gate opening of 4m)
Gate speed.
25m/min (Gate load and ba ery health dependent)
Rated Load.
300N Star ng / 240N Running
Opera ng temperature range.
-10 to 50° C (14F to 122F)
An -crushing safety sensing.
Yes – Electronic gate profi ling
Auxiliary supply output.
12Vdc @ 400mA
Built in ba ery charger.
Mul ple stage auto-calibra ng (350mA peak)
Receiver format.
ET BLU MIX ® Backward compa ble with ET BLUE (Rolling code)
Receiver frequency.
Receiver channels.
4CH (BT, PED, Aux relay, Holiday lock-out)
Receiver memory capacity.
32 users
All users can be allowed control of all channels.
Ingress protec on.