If you click the ‘
’ button, the inputs are checked for plausibility. You
may then be shown which inputs are incorrect and what correct input would
look like at this point.
If all entries are consistent, the changes are displayed again as they will now
be stored in the NETLink PRO ETH when you click the ‘
’ button again.
After the new parameterization data have been stored, the NETLink PRO is
restarted to activate the new configuration.
It is also possible to reboot the NETLink PRO ETH remotely via the security
interface, if required. This is done by clicking the ‘
System Reset
’ button.
With the button ‘
Factory defaults
’ it is possible to restore all parameters to
the delivery state of the NETLink PRO ETH. All user defined configurations
will be deleted by this function.
Rebooting can take up to
15 seconds.