From the parameterization form shown, it can be seen that not only static IP
address allocation but also IP parameter assignment via DHCP (Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol) is possible.
Both these options are now explained in more detail.
Section provides information about further configuration options. Static TCP configuration
If NETLink PRO ETH is used in a network without a DHCP server – or you
want the NETLink PRO ETH to work with the same IP address on the
network despite the presence of a DHCP server – stored in the input forms
for ‘
Static parameters
In this case, the checkmark is not set in the field ‘
Get IP address
automatically (DHCP)
Clicking the ‘
Save in NETLink PRO ETH’
button saves the parameters in the
To have the NETLink PRO ETH receive its IP parameters automatically via
DHCP, set a checkmark in the field ‘
Get IP address automatically (DHCP)
This then enables the ‘
DHCP Timeout (s)
’ input field. Enter the maximum
waiting time here. If the NETLink PRO ETH does not receive any
parameters from the DHCP server within this time, it will use the stored
static parameters to ensure that the device is accessible in the network and
can be reparameterized if necessary.
Times shorter than 30 seconds are replaced by the default value (30 seconds)
because most DHCP servers require 12 to 20 seconds to assign valid
parameter sets.
Clicking the ‚
Save in NETLink PRO ETH’
button saves the parameters in the
DHCP has the drawback that a NETLink PRO ETH parameterized by this
method could theoretically be assigned a different IP address from the
DHCP every time it is switched on.
The system administrator responsible for the DHCP server can counter this
informing the DHCP server of the MAC address of the NETLink PRO ETH.
However, this is additional work for the system administrator. Additional features
The ‘
NETLink PRO ETH properties
’ input form contains a ‘
NetLink PRO
’ group box with further options that are explained here:
Here a name can be given to the NETLink PRO ETH that identifies it
better when it is shown in the search window. The name is stored in
the device.
The name may designate the location (e.g. conveyor HG1), the user
(e.g. Mr. Example), or anything else (e.g. Not long till Friday).
Changing the password:
Here you can change the actual password.
It is only possible to change the configuration of the NETLink with
the password. This applies to parameterization both via the driver and
via the web interface.