Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Chapter 5 - 67
oc. N
o. 8557 -
June 20
To add feature packages
1 Shut down the voice messaging system application by pressing ESC at
the Banner screen and then following the system prompts.
2 If you haven’t already done so for this upgrade, transfer the upgrade file
from the support computer to the root (c:\) directory on the voice
messaging system hard drive. See “Transferring files” on page 37.
3 To open an OS/2 command prompt from the voice messaging system
screens, do one of the following:
If you are using a monitor, keyboard, and mouse plugged into the voice mes-
saging system board to access the voice messaging system screens, go to
the OS/2 desktop and select the OS/2 Window icon.
• If you are using a remote access connection to access the voice messaging
system screens, switch to the OS/2 Host Process Switcher window.
choose “Start a new 0S/2 text session” and press ENTER.
4 At the OS/2 command prompt,
and press ENTER.
cd \
and press ENTER.
and press ENTER.
to proceed with the voice messaging system Setup utility.
8 From the Setup menu,
to choose “Add new features” and press
9 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
on drive E.
10 Press ENTER to confirm that the voice messaging software is installed
in the Vmail directory.
11 From the Upgrade Code menu,
to use the upgrade file you copied to
the C:\ directory and press ENTER.
12 Press ENTER to confirm that the upgrade file is located in the C:\
13 Review the features and options available with your new system that are
listed on-screen. Press ENTER to continue.
14 From the Add New Features menu, choose the features you want to set
up by typing the corresponding menu number and then pressing
15 When you have completed your selection(s), press ENTER to continue.
16 Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the system software for
these new features.
17 When you reach the Setup Complete menu, type
and press ENTER
to exit the Setup utility.
18 Shut down and restart the voice messaging system by setting the
board’s Shutdown switch Off. After the system has shut down, set the
switch On and then press the Power button to restart.
A system with incorrect protocol information cannot connect to the LAN. To
reenter the correct values, perform the procedure, “to change an existing
network protocol configuration.”