Xen IPK Xen Mail CTI Installation Guide
Chapter 5 - 61
No. 8557 -
Release 1.1
June 2
Chapter 5 – Upgrading the Voice Messaging System
Upgrading the Voice
Messaging System
Chapter 5
This chapter describes the process for upgrading an existing XenMail CTI
package. To perform an upgrade, you will need the upgrade file that was
provided when you purchased additional system options.
Upgrading an existing system may include adding any or all of the following
New system languages.
Additional voice messaging system ports.
New feature packages, such as TeLANophy.
Refer to the steps below to perform an upgrade.
If you are upgrading from a different product line, see “New with this prod-
uct” and “Set up overview” to set up your “new” system.
Upgrade steps
1 Back up the voice messaging system and transfer the backup files to a
support computer or a LAN.
See “Using the backup and restore utilities” on page 41.
2 If your upgrade includes new system languages or Hospitality prompts,
configure the voice messaging system software to use them.
See "Adding system languages and prompts"on page 62.
3 If your upgrade includes new ports, configure the phone system and voice
messaging system to use them.
See "Increasing the number of ports"on page 64.
4 If your upgrade includes new feature packages, configure the voice
messaging system software to use them.
See "Adding feature packages"on page 66.