General Product Description
Sopho 2000IPS
Release 12.2, August 2006
NEC Philips Unified Solutions
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© NEC Philips Unified Solutions, 2006. All right reserved.
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No MN Alarm Indication
1.8.2 Characteristics of the SOPHO IPS DM and IPS DML
Compact and Small Size Modular Chassis
One Modular Chassis provides 7 card slots for 56 LT ports and up to 2 Modular Chassis
can be used per system. (8 virtual LT ports are available per Modular Chassis in addition
to 56 LT ports.)
2 types of MP (Main Processor)
MP can be selected from the following options by customer requirements.
PN-CP24 for SOPHO IPS DM , the same MP as the SOPHO 2000 IPS.
Power Failure Transfer (PFT)
Power Failure Transfer (PFT) for the IPS DM/IPS DML is provided with PZ-4PFTA
card. The PZ-8PFTB for the SOPHO 2000 IPS is not available for the IPS DM/IPS DML.
Installation Methods
Wall Mount Installation is not available. The SOPHO IPS DM /IPS DML can be installed
on the desktop or into the 19-inch rack.
1.8.3 SOPHO IPS DMR (R8)
In the feature release R.8 the DM can be turned into an IPS DMR (Distributed Module
Remote) by putting a dedicated (simpler) MP in stead of the normal 2000 IPS Main
Processor. As such the DMR can act as a remote PIM (over IP) for a 2000 IPS Main site.
The SOPHO IPS DMR (Internet Protocol Server Distributed Model Remote) is a SOPHO
IPS DM that has been optimized for Remote PIM over IP applications. The SOPHO IPS
DMR uses the SPN-CP31 as the Main Processor. This system targets users who have up
to 30 relatively small offices that accommodate 10-30 extensions at the Remote Site.
The MP card at Remote Site has the same system data as that at Main Site, because
Remote Site automatically gets the data from Main Site at the time of setup. In normal
operation, Main Site automatically copies the system data to Remote Site through the
network once a day.
Because the CP31 is a cost down CPU, the following options that are built-in on the CP24
are not available with the CP31:
No built-in DAT.
Only one RS Port.
No built-in DK (external/relay key).
No MN Alarm Indication
The SOPHO IPS DMR is designed primarily for distributed IP networking but also
supports traditional analog and digital trunks for connection to the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSTN). The SOPHO IPS DMR supports up to 128 peer-to-peer IP
stations and 56 TDM ports in a single modular chassis. Up to two chassis can be stacked
providing maximum capacity of 112 TDM ports while still supporting as many as 128
peer-to-peer IP stations.