Issue 5
UNIVERGE NEAX 2000 IPS General Description
Page 211
By command entry from the MATWorX in the main site, the MP software stored in the
external FTP server is downloaded to the MP of the remote site PIM. The downloaded
software stored in the MP is changed over to the existing working MP software. By
system data programming, below operation patterns are available.
Scheduled downloading & scheduled changeover
Immediate downloading & immediate changeover
Immediate downloading & scheduled changeover
If the changeover fails, fallback to the old software can be executed in below patterns.
Automatic fall back (in case that system reset occurs 5 times in 3 minutes)
Manual fall back (by command data entry from MATWorX)
Scheduled fall back
The FTP server can be located in the main site or in each remote site.
6.5.5 Diagnostics Log Data Collection for VoIP Calls (R10)
This feature allows speeding up the isolation of an error as it provides functions for
analyzing VoIP related problems. Collects call logs and fault logs on VoIP calls. This
enables the collected call log to be checked when the user reports a malfunction. Enable
real time check when a malfunction exists at registration or accumulated checking of error
information by a maintenance person. Call logs and Fault logs can be referenced from
MATWorX and MAT/CAT mode.
Required Software and Hardware:
SPN-8IPLA IP PAD-C or firmware upgrade required. On-line MP-FP Command Output via RS-232 (R12.2)
Prior to R12.2, MP-FP traces can be retrieved during off-line mode. In R12.2, the MP-FP
traces can be retrieved during on-line mode (SENCE switch=4), by entering commands
(CMF6, Y=2). The traces data can be retrieved by MATWorX or can be output via RS-
232C (Modem built into MP).
Requires MATWorX IPS Ver.11.6.0 or later version. Self Diagnostic/System Messages
The SOPHO 2000 IPS provides a sophisticated array of self-diagnostic routines that are
continually and automatically being performed. Various system messages are printed