General Product Description
Sopho 2000IPS
Release 12.2, August 2006
NEC Philips Unified Solutions
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© NEC Philips Unified Solutions, 2006. All right reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner. Peer-to-Peer IP Telephony Connectivity
This powerful capability lies at the core of the SOPHO 2000 IPS and its significance
should not be underestimated. Most IP-enabled Telephony systems have allowed users to
take advantage of the cost savings associated with consolidated transport, but they have
done so by adding a card(s) to the switch which acts as a gateway/protocol converter or
they provide an adjunct gateway that attaches to the switch and performs the same
functions. However, while both of these solutions succeed in providing the conversions
required for converged transport, they nonetheless still require that connectivity be
established and maintained in the TDM/PBX switching device itself.
The SOPHO 2000 IPS supports a new kind of connectivity (peer-to-peer) which does not
require that calls be routed through a traditional Time Division Multiplexed (TDM)
switching engine.
The SOPHO 2000 IPS assists in the call setup process and provides the full range of
traditional telephony features. Once the call is established, the “voice”-data is “carried”
only by the network from station to station. It does not occupy resources in the SOPHO
2000 IPS, which only “re-enters” when requested to provide a function, such as
conferencing with a third party.