NovaScale R620-LR / R620-MR Setup Guide
Though a large value was specified for the partition size, it turned out when Windows started that the system
partition created was 4095 MB.
Did you specify a value larger than the actual size of the area in the [Partition Size]?
If you want one partition for the entire area (except the maintenance area), select [All Area].
Did you specify a value larger than 200 GB in the [Partition Size]
Specify a value smaller than 200 GB in the [Partition Size].
The cluster size is set to 512 bytes in the installation though installation was done on a partition whose size is 2 GB
or greater by NTFS.
This is the specification of the Express Setup. If you want to perform installation with a cluster size other
than 512 bytes, perform the manual setup.
Windows started up with a different resolution than the resolution specified for display.
If the resolution you configured cannot be used, a resolution close to the one you specified or the default
resolution will be used.
A wrong product key has been entered.
Automatic installation begins even if you enter a wrong product key. However, the process stops during the
automatic installation and you are asked to enter a product key. In this case, you are asked for entry at the
reboot after the GUI setup in the automatic installation. If you successfully complete these two entries, entry
ows setup.
dapter settings in the Express Setup. Make the settings from Control
the default value to them. You can change the
ormed but no adapter is actually connected, adapter settings will not be made,
ave been installed with a different protocol set to each of them. However all protocols
are set to
available to each adapter. What cannot be
r more network adapters have been set, the detailed settings of TCP/IP protocol are configured to use
t, protocol detailed settings may have default values. Configure
e than one network adapter is connected
to TCP/IP, DHCP is set).
etwork adapters are connected. Because
Configure the detailed settings from Control Panel after the OS is started.
of a wrong product key does not affect Wind
Detailed network adapter settings are not available.
You cannot make detailed network a
Pane after starting up Windows.
s started up with the network adapter settings that were not configured in the Express Setup.
Windows installs network adapters it recognizes and sets
settings from Control Panel after Windows is started.
When the Express Setup is perf
but protocols will be installed.
Multiple network adapters h
all the adapters.
This is the specification, which makes all installed protocols
configured by the Express Setup will have default values.
When two o
When two or more network adapters are se
the detailed settings from Control Panel.
Default settings are used for the protocol detailed settings though not mor
exa ple, though IP address has been set
Have you set two or more protocols?
In this case, the status is the same as the status where two or more n
of this default settings are used for the protocol detailed settings.