NovaScale R620-LR / R620-MR Setup Guide
The following section describes necessary information to use the product properly and safely.
This product is shipped with various accessories. See the attached list to make sure everything is included and check the
individual items. If any component is missing or damaged, contact your sales agent.
Keep the accessories in a safe place. You will need them when you perform setup, addition of options, or
replacement of failed components.
To check EXPRESSBUILDER components, see the attached list.
Be sure to fill out and mail the software registration card that is shipped with the operating system.
Make backup copies of included floppy disks, if any. Keep the original disks as the master disks; use these
copies in operation.
Improper use of an included floppy disk or CD-ROM may alter your system environment. If you find
something unclear, stop using them and contact your sales agent.