Appendix B
Navis Standard Interface Protocol BINR
V1.00 20.05.2008
Get Packet 74h
Get packet 74h has following structure:
1 - time scale differences between GPS and hardware, msec
Data type format – FP80
2 - time scale differences between GLONASS and the hardware (don’t include 3 hours
between Moscow winter time and Greenwich), msec
Data type format – FP80
3 - time scale difference between GPS and UTC, msec
Data type format – FP80
4 - time scale difference deviation between GLONASS and UTC(SU), msec
Data type format – FP80
5 - time scale difference between GPS and GLONASS (doesn’t include 3 hours between
Moscow winter time and Greenwich), msec
Data type format – FP80
6 - validity indicator
Data type format - INT8U