Appendix D
NMEA 0183 Communication Interface
V1.00 20.05.2008
Field Definitions
Many of the NMEA date fields are of variable length, and the user should always use the comma
delineators to parse the NMEA message date field. Table IV-7 specifies the definitions of all field
types in the NMEA messages supported by NAVIS.
Table IV-7 Field Type Summary
Status A
Single character field:
A=Yes, data valid, warning flag clear
V=No, data invalid, warning flag set.
Special Format Fields
Latitude llll.lll
Fixed/variable length field:
Degreesminutes.decimal-2 fixed digits of degrees, 2 fixed digits
of minutes and a variable number of digits for decimal fraction
of minutes. Leading zeros always included for degrees and
minutes to maintain fixed length. The decimal point and
associated decimal-fraction are optional if full resolution is not
Longitude yyyyy.yyy
Fixed/Variable length field:
Degreesminutes.decimal-3 fixed digits of degrees, 2 fixed digits
of minutes and a variable number of digits for decimal fraction
of minutes. Leading zeros always included for degrees and
minutes to maintain fixed length. The decimal point and
associated decimal-fraction are optional if full resolution is not
Fixed/Variable length field:
hoursminutesseconds.decimal-2 fixed digits of minutes, 2 fixed
digits of seconds and a variable number of digits for decimal-
fraction of seconds. Leading zeros always included for hours,
minutes, and seconds to maintain fixed length. The decimal
point and associated decimal-fraction are optional if full
resolution is not required.