Chapter 2
NI 5450 Overview
NI PXIe-5450 User Manual
Thermal Shutdown
NI-FGEN supports thermal shutdown capability for the NI 5450. This
capability allows the signal generator to detect when it has reached a
dangerously high temperature and to then power down to prevent damage
to the device.
Air circulation paths, fan settings, and space allowances are several factors
that can influence device temperature. To prevent thermal shutdown, follow
the guidelines described in the
Maintain Forced-Air Cooling Note to Users
document that shipped with your device. Refer to the device specifications
to find the correct operating temperature range.
In the event that the signal generator powers down, you are notified with an
error message in one of the following ways:
NI-FGEN returns an error when you use any of the VIs or functions
that program the hardware or check hardware status, for example, the
niFgen Commit VI or the
function and the niFgen
Self Cal VI or the
MAX returns an error message if you run a self-test on your device
after it exceeds the thermal shutdown temperature.
To re-enable your device after thermal shutdown, use one of the following
Power down the computer or chassis that contains the signal generator.
Call the niFgen Reset Device VI or the
function or perform a device reset in MAX. For more information
about resetting a device in MAX, select
Help»Help Topics»
NI-DAQmx»MAX Help for NI-DAQmx
within MAX.
Review the guidelines in the
Maintain Forced-Air Cooling Note to Users
document that shipped with the product and make any necessary
adjustments to ensure that the signal generator cools effectively. The
thermal shutdown error continues to be reported until the device is
successfully reset.