05-2015 3625 01
Aud 1 Money in the tubes
money currently available in the change tubes
Aud 2 Money to the tubes
Money conveyed to the change tubes
Aud 3 Money to the coin box
Money conveyed to the coin box
Aud 4 Change returned
Total amount of the money that has been returned
Aud 5 Surplus
Surplus money. Amounts paid by the customer in
excess and not returned (in case no money is available
for change)
Aud 6 Unloading of tubes
Value of the coins dispensed by means of the “Manage
tubes” function
Aud 7 Loading of tubes
Value of the coins cashed by means of the manual
loading function.
Aud 8 Cash sales
Value of the total sales made cash (coins + bills)
Aud 9 Bills cashed
Value of the bills that have been cashed
Aud 10 Charge key
Value of the money that has been recharged on the key
Aud 11 Key sale
Value of the money that has been cashed through key-
Aud 12 Money dispensed manually
Value of the coins that have been manually dispensed
through the dispensing buttons on the coin mechanism.
The coin mechanism data are intended to supply the fol
lowing information in real currency:
Aud 1 Money in the tubes
money currently available in the change tubes
Aud 2 Money to the tubes
Money conveyed to the change tubes
Aud 3 Money to the coin box
Money conveyed to the coin box
Aud 4 Change returned
Total amount of the money that has been returned
Aud 5 Money dispensed
Total amount of the money that has been manually
Aud 6 Surplus
Surplus money. Amounts paid by the customer in
excess and not returned (in case no money is available
for change)
Aud 7 Total sales
Total sales value
Aud 8 Exact change
Sales value on the “Insert exact amount” condition
Aud 9 Mixed dispensing
Total dispensing value paid in a different way, e.g. also
other types of payment (C.P.C., coin)
Aud. 10 Manual load
Money inserted into the coin mechanism by means of
the manual loading function.