Maintenance and Care of the SCBA
G1 Integrated SCBA System
• During disinfection gloves must be worn. The combination of concentration and duration is
listed on the packing of the disinfectant. The data quoted must always be complied with. Arbi-
trary and uncontrolled addition of disinfectant can be as harmful to the next user as for the
apparatus itself.
• No detergent must be added to the disinfectant since this may cause detergent flaws or loss
of efficiency of the disinfectant.
• Thoroughly remove the disinfectant with plenty of hand warm drinking water.
• When disinfecting the pressure reducer the hoses remain connected to the pressure reducer.
13.4.3 Cleaning/Disinfection Mask
The cleaning/disinfection of the masks is performed in accordance with the cleaning intervals in
the mask manual. For cleaning/disinfection instructions see Full Face Mask manual.
13.4.4 Cleaning/Disinfection Lung Governed Demand Valve
While cleaning make sure that no fluids penetrate the LGDV through the medium pressure hose.
Fluids can damage the components on the inside.
(1) Switch off LGDV.
(2) Lock medium pressure hose with seal cap or connect to the medium pressure.
(3) Pre-cleaning: Clean LGDV on the outside. Ensure that no dirt penetrates the inside.
(4) Cleaning: Clean LGDV in the wash basin and rinse with plenty of hand warm drinking water.
(5) Disinfect device and rinse with lots of hand warm drinking water.
Permissible disinfectant: Incidin
Rapid, Ecolab
Healthcare, Sekumatic
FDR depending
on the disinfection/washing procedure. See instructions for use of the disinfection agent.
13.4.5 After Cleaning/disinfection LGDV
(1) Connect switched off LGDV to medium pressure.
(2) Push flush button, fully blow out moisture for at least 20 s.
(3) Uncouple from medium pressure.
(4) Switch on LGDV with flush button.
(5) Dry completely in a drying cabinet at max. 50 °C.
13.4.6 Compressed Air Cylinder
For cleaning instructions of the cylinder, see cylinder manual.
It is recommended to pressurize the LGDV when using liquids for cleaning and disinfec-