During measurement, user could view measurement parameter,
calibrate electrode etc… When measurement finishes, user
could store, print measured result and press ‘CANCEL’ key to
exit the measurement mode or to start next measurement by
pressing ‘CONTIN’.
4.5.2. Set Ion Mode
It is designed mainly for easy use. Meter provides about 10 general kinds of ion mode in
correspondence with different ion measurements and you could select relevant ion mode to make
concentration measurement. When concentration measurement finishes, you could view current
ion concentration value according to different ion concentration unit.
Press ‘START’(F1), select ‘Set Ion Mode’ and then press
‘ENTER’ key to enter into ‘Set Ion Mode’ which is shown as
the left chart:
Meter divides ion into two parts, normal ion and custom ion. Meter provides some general ion
modes. They are: H
, Ag
, Na
, K
, NH
, Cl
, F
, NO
, BF
, CN
and Cu
, Pb
, Ca
is always allowed, it is not displayed in ‘Set Ion Mode’). In the middle of the screen is the
name and molecular weight of currently selected ion.
Press ’←→’, ‘↑ ↓’ and move cursor to needed position. Press ‘ENTER’ key, meter will take
current selected ion as actual measurement ion mode, press ‘CANCEL’ key to quit ‘Set Ion Mode’
and return to starting state.
You can setup your own ion mode when you have relevant ion selective electrode. You could also
measure ion concentration according to normal operating procedure of ion mode.
Press ‘CREATE’ to create a new ion mode which shown as following chart:
The name of custom ion will be distributed by system
automatically. Meter mostly supports 10 custom mode –
Cus00 ~ Cus09.
You can separately setup valences and molecular weight
(mol.wt) according to normal condition. When setting finish,
just press ‘ENTER’ key.