Please follow below regulations and use the meter carefully to avoid any damage to the meter!
In order to protect and to use the meter better, before turn on the meter, please check the
pH electrode socket on backside of meter and make sure if it is connected with
measurement electrode or short circuit plug, otherwise the high resistance apparatus of
the meter will be damaged.
If meter is not used, please connect the short circuit plug to avoid damage of the meter.
For the ion measurement unit, in order to guarantee the precision of the measurement,
suggest make zero point potential calibration after turn on the meter.
Usually when pH electrode socket is connected with short circuit plug, user could find the
displayed potential value excurse from zero point potential, at this time you need to
calibrate zero point potential (zero point potential should be 0.00mV, you can select pH
measurement parameter and view displayed zero point potential value in measurement
For detailed zero point potential calibration, please refer to the relative chapter about pH
or pX measurement mode, usually when meter enters into measurement mode, press
‘MENU’ key to select ‘Adjust mV Zero’ and then press ‘ENTER’ key.
4.4. Starting State
The starting state is shown as left chart:
The upper side of the screen shows present system time,
The lower side is present measurement mode including
measurement parameter.
At the bottom is the pressing key ‘START’, ‘MEASURE’.
Press ‘START’ key to open system menu and you can setup ‘Measurement Mode’, ‘Set Ion Mode’,
etc… Press ‘MEASURE’ key to start measurement.
4.5. Setup Function in Starting State
In this function, you can setup ‘Measurement Mode’, ‘Set Ion Mode’, ‘Date & Time’, ‘Manual
Temp.’, ‘Set Condition’, ‘System Setup’ and ‘LCD Contrast’ etc… In starting state, press
‘START’, meter displays setup menu which shown as follows:
Meter reversed displays present menu, you can press ‘↑↓’to
move to needed item
press ‘←,→’ to view main menu
‘ENTER’ key to select relevant mode and press ‘CANCEL’ key
to quit the selection.