Status8(SD) Menu
Press the
buttons until the Status8(SD) menu appears. This screen displays the
audio encoding configuration for the transcoded SD program.
Audio Field
Use this field to choose which audio channel to display the status. Press the
button until the cursor is at the Audio field, then use the
buttons to choose the
first audio channel (0) or the second audio channel (1). The default is 0. Press the
ENTER button to confirm the selection and exit the field.
Format Field
This field is always set to PSTHRU (pass-through) and cannot be changed.
Mode Field
The Mode field indicates the mode (stereo or mono) of the transcoded audio for the
selected audio channel. Dashes (---) designate no information is available.
BitRt Field
The BitRt (Bit Rate) field indicates the data rate of the transcoded audio. Dashes (---)
designate no information is available.
Status9(HD) Menu
Press the
buttons until the Status9(HD) menu appears. This screen displays
the video encoding configuration for the transcoded HD program.
Video Field
The Video field indicates the format of the incoming video, either MPEG-2 or
Resolutn Field
The Video Resolution field indicates the display resolution of the transcoded video.