AGITO User Manual OS 5.0 Nova
62 - Maintinance
1. Extend the shock to full extension then place it into your holder. Then carefully
pour the new oil into the shock body until just above top of the casing.
You will see the surface tension curve just above the top of the thread.
2. Push up on the shock slightly to get oil right at the base. Then Leave the shock
to settle for 10-15 minutes for all of the air bubbles to leave. Higher grade oil
might take longer. Once there are no bubbles you can continue.
3. Unscrew the bleed screw from the top of the shock cap. Making sure you
don’t lose the tiny washer. Store this to the side for safe keeping.
4. Carefully screw the shock cap onto the top of the shock body. If a little bit of oil
squeezes out of the bleed hole that is okay. Wipe away any excess oil
5. Replace the bleed screw and tighten.
6. Give the shock several pumps, compressing in and out. If the shock is feeling springy and doesn’t
stay compressed then there is too much oil. If there is a small amount of free movement before
becoming thick, then there is not enough oil and you will have to open up and add more.
7. To release some of the oil, extend the shock to full and unscrew the bleed screw. Then
slowly compress the shock until some oil comes out of the bleed screw, it should be pretty
bubbly, keep on compressing until most of the big bubbles have come out.
8. Then replace the bleed screw and repeat steps 6 & 7. If its not feeling springy
and there’s no free movement you can proceed to reassembling the shock.
9. Make sure the shock cap is fully tightened
10. Then replace the two grub screws.