User Reference Guide
System Overview
©2014 Molex Inc.
Document Edition:, Document #: 715-0106, Template Edition: 1.1, Template #: QMS-06-045
Use, duplication or disclosure of this document or any of the information contained herein is subject to the restrictions on page ii of this document.
Supports up to five Listen-only connections.
Supports Explicit Messaging for retrieving status and diagnostics information, as well as
I/O data.
Windows engineering console to configure and diagnose Profibus network and devices.
Includes a CommDTM driver to provide transparent access from FDT software such as
FactoryTalk® AssetCentre, PACTware™, FieldCARE™ or asset management tools to
the Profibus devices.
EtherNet/IP Adapter ODVA certified.
PNO certified: Profibus DP-V0, V1 Master and DP-V0 Slave.
Profibus features:
Acts as Profibus DP-V0 and DP-V1 Master.
Acts as Profibus DP-V0 Slave.
Able to run Profibus DP-V0 Master and Slave modes simultaneously.
Supports all standard Profibus baud rates (9.6Kbps to 12Mbps).
As Profibus DP-V0 Master is able to scan up to 125 devices slave devices with a
total of
1996 bytes input and 1980 bytes output
As Profibus DP-V0 Master supports and scans up to 244 bytes of input data and
244 bytes of output data per slave.
As Profibus DP-V0 Master supports Sync and Freeze commands.
Supports the following DP-V1 Master services:
Class-1: MSAC1_Read, MSAC1_Write
Class-2: MSAC2_Initiate, MSAC2_Read, MSAC2_Write, MSAC2_Abort
1.2 How It Works
SST-PB3-REM combines the functionality of an EtherNet/IP Adapter with that of a Profibus
Master or/and Slave which enables a controller acting as an EtherNet/IP Scanner to transmit and
receive data on the Profibus network.
There are four possible communication paths between the EtherNet/IP Scanner and the Adapter
embedded in the PB3 Remote Module:
Exclusive Owner connection(s) for I/O exchange.
Input-only connection for retrieving status information. When configuring an Exclusive
Owner connection in RSLogix5000 this connection is automatically opened when the
user selects Data SINT with Status for the “Comm Format” parameter.
Listen-only connection(s) for monitoring. Corresponding Exclusive Owner connection(s)
must exist.
Explicit Messaging for sending various commands, DP-V1 messaging and I/O exchange.
No implicit connection(s) is required.
The EtherNet/IP and Profibus scan cycles are independent from each other (see Figure 2.2-1