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13 Update firmware
13.1 Update firmware trough TTL UART by protocol YMODEM 1K
Connect the jumper to pins 2 and 3 (TxD and RxD) of the PROG connector (JP8)
and turn the clock on or reset by pressing the RESET button. Remove the jumper
from the PROG connector
Remove the jumper from the PROG connector
Connect the clock to the computer using the USB to TTL UART (3V3) adapter. On
the clock side, connect the adapter to the PROG connector.
On a computer, run a terminal supporting file transfer using the YMODEM 1K
protocol (eg ExtraPuTTY) with parameters 57600 bps, 8 databits, 1 stop, no parity,
no control.
In the terminal, open a valid COM port corresponding to the connected USB to TTL
UART adapter.
Connect the jumper to the ISPE header (JP9). The terminal will then display the
initial information about the firmware update.
Pin description