NW0504 Rev. D
Positioning of the chest pad superior to the supra-sternal notch may apply
pressure to the throat and patient’s airway.
7.12 Positioning Of The Hips And Thighs
7.12.1 Adjust the hip pads to rest under the iliac crests. The iliac crests should
be centered on the hip pads (see Figure 43).
Figure 43:
Patient prone in the spinal surgery top with the leg sling
Figure 44:
Patient positioned prone on spinal surgery top using leg support sections
NOTE: The thigh pads are designed to be right and left sided and are labeled
accordingly. The pads must be oriented toward the patient when the patient is
positioned prone on them. The thigh pads have a compound angle, which provides for
anatomical support of the legs. Confirm the pads are applied to the appropriate side of
the spinal surgery top. When properly installed, the pads should slope down toward the
foot end of the table.
Safety strap
Iliac crest centered on hip pad
Safety strap
Buttock strap
Leg sling
Buttock strap
Safety strap
Safety strap