| RCP-200
Log Events
iControl maintains a log of alarm events associated with the card. The log is useful for troubleshooting and identifying
event sequences. Click in the checkbox to enable logging of alarm events for each individual alarm.
At the bottom of the window are several other controls:
Overall alarm and GSM contribution follow card LED
Click in the checkbox to force the Overall alarm and GSM contribution to be identical to the Card LED status
All Overall alarms for which there is a Card LED alarm will be forced to match the Card LED alarm
All Overall Alarms for which there is no Card LED alarm will be forced to Disabled
A warning box will open allowing you to confirm the action,
since it will result in changes to the configuration and there
is no
Alarm Display
When a parameter is outside the tolerance window, the RCP-200 display is affected by the resulting alarm.
The numbers in the data box beneath the slider turn yellow
The control sector box containing the slider on the right-hand screen is highlighted by a bar at the top whose
color corresponds to the severity assigned to the alarm (yellow, orange or red)
The text labels in the category button and sub-category tab associated with the affected parameter assume the
color associated with the severity of the alarm (yellow, orange or red). This allows the user to move to the control
that is causing the alarm in just two steps – select the category, and then the sub-category.
Here, we can see that there is an alarm in
the Video Proc section, even though we
are currently looking at the HD Audio
Output controls of this XVP-3901.