RCP-200 |
1 RCP-200 Advanced Remote Control Panel
1.1 Using this manual
The RCP-200 is an operational tool that allows users of Miranda’s Densité devices to adjust and configure those
devices from a remote location. It can also activate router crosspoints providing an integrated QC environment where
sources can be monitored and adjusted prior to routing to destination.
In this manual, you will find:
Instructions for installing and configuring the RCP-200
Descriptions of all the operating controls on the RCP-200
Procedures for locating a specific device in a complex operational configuration and assigning the RCP-200 to
control it
General instructions for using the RCP-200 to adjust the device once it has been located
Specific details of how the RCP-200 can be used to adjust and configure an individual device type are found in the
device’s user manual.
1.2 Introduction
The RCP-200 Advanced Remote Control Panel for Densité devices and NVISION/third party routers provides a highly
intuitive graphical interface. It simplifies video/audio signal processing and control in both single and multi-user
environments. This 3RU rack-mounted panel features two large touch screen displays for easy readability and quick
adjustments. The left screen is dedicated to device selection, while the right screen is reserved for parameter
adjustments of the selected device. The high resolution screens and color graphics allow a wide range of information to
be displayed simultaneously. Eight rotary controls are assigned to parameters to minimize menu navigation, and
provide an ergonomic interface to the user. The panel can be used alongside the iControl monitoring and control
system, with synchronized control between the systems.