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MINOS DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI., 2020. All rights reserved. Reprinting, even of sections, only possible with the approval of
Document No: T-MDR.2020_I.O.M./ Date: 09.01.2020
4.3.3- Gearbox Speed Adjustment
(*for only the models T-MDR 1000, 1500, 2000)
The gearbox of the mini power harrow is equipped with a pair of gears that can
be interchanged.
Obtain two different rotation speeds of the rotors (thereby of the blades), to
meet the operator's needs according to different possible working conditions.
To choose the most suitable rotation speed of the rotors,
see the section 4.2
The permitted combinations for the two pairs of gears above mentioned, with
the related rotation speed of the rotor applied to the machine as a label
fig. 14)
Figure 14- Rotor rotation chart
To get further speed combinations (available as optional), ask the manufacturer
or your dealer.
The configurations permitted for gears and speeds are indicated in the table.
The use of different configurations can seriously affect the functioning of the
machine, damaging it permanently.
To change the speed, the operator must:
● Remove the screws
(see fig. 15 A)
with related washers, fixing the back cover
(see fig. 15 B)
of the gearbox, and remove the cover, paying attention to
possible oil spills;