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MINOS DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI., 2020. All rights reserved. Reprinting, even of sections, only possible with the approval of
Document No: T-MDR.2020_I.O.M./ Date: 09.01.2020
For example;
if the distance between
the tail spindle of the tractor
input shaft of the machine
is 800 mm, and the distance between the right and
left pin of the P.T.O. shaft is 1000 mm
(see fig. 11 L);
the amount to be cut from
both halves of the P.T.O shaft is 200 mm.
(Do not forget that this may seem
like the shaft has been shortened by 400 mm, but when the two halves are
put back together this becomes 200 mm!
Figure 11- Overall length of PTO shaft in closed position.
● When the PTO Shaft is at its minimum length (max compressed position),
there must be at least a 50 mm of distance between the ends of each
transmission tube and the yokes side
(see fig. 10 a)
● When the PTO Shaft is at its maximum operational extension, there must be
an overlap between the tubes profiles of 200 mm at least.
(see fig. 10 b)
● Before fitting the PTO Shaft, the operator must read the manuals of PTO
Shaft and tractor, make sure, that the selected RPM and rotating direction of
the tractor connection match with the allowed RPM and rotating direction of
the machine!
If the direction of rotation of the tractor PTO does not match that of the
machine, contact the manufacturer or your dealer.
To fit the PTO Shaft to the tractor and machine, the operator
● Park tractor and machine on a flat surface, with parking brake set, engine off,
and ignition key removed;
● Check that safety devices of PTO Shaft, machine and tractor are in good
condition, otherwise provide for their replacement;
● Position the PTO Shaft
push pin
yoke turned towards the tractor side;