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MINOS DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI., 2020. All rights reserved. Reprinting, even of sections, only possible with the approval of
Document No: T-MDR.2020_I.O.M./ Date: 09.01.2020
● Match the top link
(see fig. 8 A)
of the three-point hitch to the machine’s
upper hitch point
(see fig. 7)
through the use of the related upper hitch pin and
safety split pin.
● Raise the lift arms
(see fig. 8 D, E)
until tail spindle of tractor and input shaft
of the machine are at the same height, then adjust the tractor top link so that
the front of the machine is leveled to the back (the axis of the machine input
connection shaft must be parallel to the ground), in order to limit stress
transmitted to the machine through the PTO shaft.
If you cannot level the
machine, ask for help!
● Make sure that left side of the machine is leveled with the right, by adjusting
the tractor lifting arms, then lock the arms to prevent swinging that could
compromise the stability of tractor and machine.
● Proceed with the PTO shaft fitting
(see section 3.3)
● When fitting the PTO Shaft for the first time control its length and shorten it
if necessary according to the enclosed instructions of the PTO Shaft
(see section 3.3)
The PTO shaft
that transfers the movement from the tail spindle of the tractor
to the input shaft of the machine is a
SPT (Star Power Transmission) brand
series 6, tractor side is a 1 3/8
6 push pin yoke, machine side is a 1 3/8
friction limiter clutch safety device
, closed length is 930 mm
(see fig. 9)
Figure 9- PTO shaft
3.3- P.T.O. Shaft Length Adjustment and Fitting