Low water pressure
If the water pressure is below 100 kPa
the washer-dryer will stop the pro-
gramme and an error message will ap-
pear in the display.
This setting can be activated to ensure
problem free water intake where the
water pressure is constantly low (below
100 kPa).
Factory default setting:
Low water pres-
is switched off.
Distribution controller
The maximum final spin speed can be
limited to prevent laundry forming a
ring around the drum. This setting is
only effective when washing and dry-
ing in a continuous sequence.
- 1200 rpm (factory setting)
- 1100 rpm
- 1000 rpm
- 900 rpm
Drying levels
You can adjust the drying levels in the
Minimum iron
The drying level is shown in a bar chart:
- Less bars = damper
- More bars = drier
Extended cool down
The cooling down phase which takes
place before the end of a programme
can be extended if required. This cools
the garments down even more. The
cooling down phase can only be ex-
tended if a drying level has been se-
lected. Extended cool down is not act-
ive for timed drying.
The extended cool down time can be
set between 0 min (factory default) and
18 min.