All detergents produced for automatic
washing machines are suitable. Follow
the manufacturer's instructions and
dosage recommendations on the pack-
Dispensing aids
Use dispensing aids, (e.g. balls) if these
are supplied with the detergent, particu-
larly when using liquid detergent.
The dispensing quantity will depend
- The degree of soiling of the laundry
- The amount of laundry
- The water hardness
Check with your local water supplier
if you do not know the water hard-
ness level in your area.
Definition of the soiling level
- Lightly soiled
No visible dirt or stains. Possibly
slight body odour.
- Normally soiled
Visibly dirty and/or just a few slight
- Heavily soiled
Stains and soiling clearly visible.
Water softeners
A water softener can be used to cut
down on the use of detergents in areas
with water hardness levels II and III.
Dispense according to the amount spe-
cified on the packaging. First add deter-
gent and then the water softener.
You can then use the recommended
amount of detergent for water hardness
level I.
Water hardness levels
Hardness level
in mmol/l
German scale
I (soft)
0 – 1.5
0 – 8.4
II (medium)
1.5 – 2.5
8.4 – 14
III (hard)
above 2.5
above 14
Refill packs of detergent
When purchasing detergent buy refill
packs wherever possible. This helps re-
duce the amount of waste packaging.