S afe Driving
particularly if the tires are subjected
to high loads (e. g. high speeds,
heavy loads, high am bient te m
Depending on the depth o f the
w ater layer on the road, aqua
planing may occur even w ith tires
still show ing the fu il tread depth,
and even at low speeds. Avoid
track grooves in the road and apply
brakes cautiously in the rain.
Tire friction :
Dry road = 100 %
W et road = from approx. 50% to
approx. 80% (be particularly cau
tious on w e t and d irty roads)
Icy road = approx. 15%
A given speed at w hich a vehicle
driven on dry roads can still be
fu lly controlled m ust be reduced
w hen the same vehicle is to be
driven safety on a w et or icy road.
You should pay particular a ttention
to the condition of the road as
soon as the prevailing tem pera
tures fall close to the freezing
point. If ice has form ed on the
road (e.g. due to fog), a thin film
o f w ater is then quickly produced
on the ice w h ich substantially
reduces the grip o f the tires. Under
such w eather conditions, drive,
steer and brake particularly care
W e recom m end M + S radial-ply
tires fo r the cold season. On ice or
packed snow , they can reduce your
stopping distance as compared
w ith sum m er tires. S topping dis
tance, however, is nevertheless
considerably greater than w hen the
road is w e t or dry.
W hen driving dow n long and steep
declines, relieve the brakes by en
gaging a low er speed (selector
lever position " S " or " L " in the
case o f autom atic transm issions).
This prevents overheating o f the
brakes and reduces brake pad
A fte r hard braking it is advisable
n ot to sw itch o ff the engine rig ht
away but to drive on fo r some
tim e so the air stream w ill cool
dow n the brakes faster.
W hen driving in heavy rain fo r
some tim e w ith o u t applying the
brakes, the firs t braking action may
be som ew hat retarded and in
creased pedal pressure may be
necessary. For this reason, stay
fu rth e r away fro m vehicle in fron t.
The co ndition of the parking brake
w ill be checked during every main
tenance service. Furtherm ore it is
recom m ended to exert once or
tw ice between the regular m ain
tenance services, a m axim um pres
sure o f 10 kp/2 2 lb on the park
ing brake pedal fo r 10 seconds
w hile travelling at a speed around
50 k m /h /3 0 mph on dry road.
Pull release knob during this pro
cess! Repeat procedure once or
tw ice. Exercise care, the stoplam ps
do not w ork.
Flave all inspections of and w ork
on the brake system carried o u t by
Summary of Contents for 240 D 1980
Page 1: ......
Page 3: ...Owner s Manual 240 D 300 D 300 CD Type 123 D 1980 Mercedes Benz...
Page 4: ......
Page 8: ......
Page 9: ...Vehicle Operation...
Page 11: ...4 Instruments and Controls 9...
Page 13: ...Instrum ent Cluster 11...
Page 39: ...Driving...
Page 52: ......
Page 53: ...Vehicle Care 51...
Page 59: ...Practical Hints 4 57...
Page 77: ...Technical Data Fuels Coolants Lubricants etc i 75...
Page 93: ......