M-140 Multifunction Calibrator
Operation manual v46
: AUXiliary (?)
<CPD> { ON | OFF | 0 | 1 }
: ADAPter (?)
: FREQuency
[: CW ] (?)
: DUTY (?)
: VOLT (?)
: ATTE (?)
: TEMPerature
: UNITs (?)
<CPD> { C | CEL | K }
: SCALe (?)
<CPD> { TS68 | TS90 }
: THERmocouple
[: LEVEl]
[: IMMediate]
[: AMPLitude] (?)
: RJUNction (?)
: TYPE (?)
<CPD> { B | E | J | K | N | R | S | T }
[: LEVEl]
[: IMMediate]
[: AMPLitude] (?)
: TYPE (?)
<CPD> { PT385 | PT392 | NI }
: NRESistance (?)
This command sets the shape of the output signal. At the same time, the respective function must be set. E.g. for
:VOLT or :CURR function, FUNC DC, FUNC SIN, or other signal shape must be set. Some functions (:RES,
:CAP) do not require any other settings.
DC sets a DC output signal for voltage, current or power modes.
SINusoid sets AC output signal for voltage, current or power modes.
PULPositive sets AC squarewave signal for voltage or current modes. The amplitude and duty cycle can be
set. The rectangles are positive, i.e. switching between 0 and +amplitude.
PULSymmetrical sets AC squarewave signal for voltage or current modes. The amplitude and duty cycle
can be set. The rectangles are symmetrical, i.e. switching between -amplitude and +amplitude.
PULNegative sets AC squarewave signal for voltage or current modes. The amplitude and duty cycle can
be set. The rectangles are negative, i.e. switching between –amplitude and 0.
RMPA sets AC output signal - ramp shape - for voltage or current modes. The amplitude can be set. -The
output switches between -amplitude a +amplitude.
RMPB sets AC output signal - ramp shape - for voltage or current modes. The amplitude can be set. -The
output switches between -amplitude a +amplitude.
TRIangel sets AC output signal - triangular shape - for voltage or current modes. The amplitude can be set.
-The output switches between -amplitude a +amplitude.
LIMSinusoid sets AC output signal - sinus shape with limitation of amplitude- for voltage or current
modes. The amplitude can be set. -The output switches between -amplitude a +amplitude.
PWMPositive sets POS type output signal - digital pulse width modulation.
PWMSymmetrical sets SYM type output signal - digital pulse width modulation.
PWMNegative sets NEG type output signal - digital pulse width modulation.
SQUare sets HSO type output signal - digital pulse output.
If query is sent, M140 returns a string containing { DC | SIN | PULP | PULS | PULN | RMPA | RMPB | TRI |
LIMS | PWMP | PWMS | PWMN | SQU } depending on the current setting. If impedance or temperature sensor
simulation is set, NONE is returned.