M-140 Multifunction Calibrator
Operation manual v46
Overloading the terminals
When external circuit connected to current output terminals is disconnected or there is higher voltage at the load
than permitted, the calibrator disconnects the output terminals and displays „Overload I output“ message. The
same message can be displayed when 50-turn coil is used for AC current output at frequencies above 80 Hz. It
depends on the set current and the type of ammeter connected.
If the output terminals are disconnected due to time limitation of output current over 10 A, the calibrator displays
„Current timeout !“ message.
Generation of non-harmonic shapes
The multifunction calibrator can generate non-harmonic periodic signals with predefined shape. To allow the
setting of a non-harmonic output shape, the calibrator must be switched to AC U or AC I mode. In both cases, an
indication of the type of output shape (Shape xxxxx) is displayed under the frequency value. Press the respective
display button to change the shape of the output signal.
The calibrator can generate the following shapes:
squarewave - positive, with adjustable duty cycle
squarewave - symmetrical, with adjustable duty cycle
squarewave - negative, with adjustable duty cycle
ramp, symmetrical positive
ramp, symmetrical negative
triangular, symmetrical
harmonic with amplitude limitation (truncated sin)
Generation of non-harmonic signals has some limitations:
non-harmonic voltages can be generated in the 0.1 Hz to 1000 Hz frequency range
non-harmonic currents can be generated in the 0.1 Hz to 120 Hz frequency range
generation of these signals is limited to the voltage range up to 200 V and current range up to 2 A
non-harmonic signals cannot be generated in the P-E (power-energy) mode.
Control in the non-harmonic mode
Select AC voltage or AC current mode. The main section of the display shows the following data:
main data of set current or voltage, unit of measurement
relative deviation
selected SHAPE of the output signal
Keep pressing SHAPE display button to select the desired shape of the output signal:
The output terminals are automatically disconnected when changing the shape of the output signal or when
changing the relative deviation ∆%, if a non-zero relative deviation is set.
Displayed information
When non-harmonic output shape is selected, the display shows additional information:
besides the main amplitude data, „pk“ index is displayed, notifying that the displayed main value is the peak
value. Symbol which displays the shape of the output signal is displayed too.