M-140 Multifunction Calibrator
Operation manual v46
All commands listed in this chapter are explained in two columns:
KEYWORD column includes the name of the command. Each command includes one or more keywords. If a
keyword is in brackets ( [ ] ), it is not mandatory. Non-mandatory commands are used only to achieve
compatibility with language standard SCPI.
Capitals designate the abbreviated form of the commands; extended form is written in lowercase.
Command parameters are in brackets (<>); each parameter is separated using a comma. Parameters in brackets (
[ ] ) are not mandatory. Line ( | ) means “or” and is used to separate several alternative parameters.
Semicolon ‘;’ is used to separate more commands written on one line.
E.g. VOLT 2.5 ; OUTP ON
Each command must end in <cr> or <lf>. Both codes <crlf> can be used at the same time. The calibrator
performs all commands written on one line of the program after it receives <cr>, <lf> or <crlf> code. Without
this code, the program line is ignored.
Description of abbreviations
<DNPD> = Decimal Numeric Program Data, this format is used to express decimal number with or without the
<CPD> =
Character Program Data. Usually, it represents a group of alternative character parameters. E.g. {ON
| OFF | 0 | 1}.
? =
A flag indicating a request for the value of the parameter specified by the command. No other
parameter than the question mark can be used.
(?) =
A flag indicating a request for the parameter specified by the command. This command permits a
value to be set as well as requested.
<cr> =
carriage return. ASCII code 13. This code executes the program line.
<lf> =
line feed. ASCII code 10. This code executes the program line.
OUTPut subsystem
This subsystem allows to control the output terminals of M140 calibrator, to activate the four-wire output or to
switch the calibrator to x50 current coil (option 130-50, 140-50).
[:STATe] (?)
<CPD> { ON | OFF | 0 | 1 }
: ISELection (?)
<CPD> { HIGHi | HI50turn }
OUTP [:STAT] (?) <CPD> { ON | OFF | 0 | 1 }
This command activates or deactivates the output of M140 calibrator.
ON or 1 - activates the output
OFF or 0 - deactivates the output
If query is sent, M140 returns ON if the output is active or OFF if it is inactive
OUTP 1 <cr> - activates the output
OUTP ? <cr> - the calibrator returns ON or OFF