M-140 Multifunction Calibrator
Operation manual v46
This command sets condition of the Service Request Enable register. Since bit 6 is not used, the maximum entry
is 191.
Service Request Enable reading (IEEE488 only)
This query returns the Service Request Enable Register.
Event Status Register reading (IEEE488 only)
This query returns the contents of the Event Status Register and clears the register.
Event Status Enable setting (IEEE488 only)
*ESE <value>
This command programs the Event Status Enable register bits. If one or more of the enabled events of the Event
Status Enable register is set, the ESB of Status Byte Register is set too.
Event Status Enable reading (IEEE488 only)
This query returns the Event Status Enable register.
Clear status (IEEE488 only)
This command clears the Event Status Register and the Status Byte Register except the MAV bit and output queue.
Remote control
This command activates the remote control. When the calibrator is controlled by GPIB bus, it goes to the remote
control mode automatically. When remote control is active, the calibrator ignores all controls from the front panel,
except LOCAL button.
Local control
This command activates the local control (using front panel buttons). When the calibrator is controlled by GPIB
bus, it goes to the local control mode automatically.
Local control lock