Technical Manual Presence Detector SCN-P/G360XX.02
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 •
Fax: +49-2263-4588
• [email protected] •
The "Behaviour on switch-on" parameter defines whether the control should always work
with the parametrised value or load the last setpoint which was read in, for example, via
absolute/relative dimming or the scene function.
The control can also be configured here to different values for day and night, which is
defined by the parameter "Use day/night changeover".
The parameter "Controller switches light off" defines whether the controller can regulate the
light to 0% in strong sunlight and thus switch it off. If the parameter is set to disabled, the
outputs are not set to 0%, but maintain a minimum value which prevents the lamps from
being switched off. This setting makes sense in office/workrooms, as switching off the
lighting is usually perceived as annoying. Nevertheless, when dimming down to e.g. 20%, 80%
of the energy is still saved.
Settings dimming behavior
The dimming value can be sent as well cyclical as at a fixed percental rate of change.
The para eter
CL behavior at relative dimming
defi es if the regulatio shall e s it hed
off at relative dimming or work with the new value.
Settings standby/orientation light
The standby/orientation light defines shading of the room after cutout of the constant light
control. That means, that the controller does not switch the lights off, but switches to the
adjusted value.
Settings lock object
This parameter activates an additional lock object, which locks the constant level light
control and switches the output in a fixed state.
The following states are available:
Off: The output is switched off (0%).
On: The output is switched on (100%):
No change (hold value): The current absolute value is held.
Select value (only at lock): The adjusted absolute value is called.
Restore previous state (only at unlock): The absolute value which had the constant
light before locking is called again.
The following table shows the relevant communication objects for the constant ligh control:
Number Name
Length Usage
Switch on/off
1 Bit
external object for activating the regulation
Dimming relative
4 Bit
manual adjustment of the current brightness
Dimmin absolute
1 Byte
Adjustment current brightness of new absolute
Lock object
1 Bit
Locking the regulation
1 Byte
Call up of scenes
Output dimming absolute main
1 Byte
Output for main group
Output dimming absolute wall
1 Byte
Output for wall group
Output dimming absolute
1 Byte
Output for window group
Table 26: Communication objects - constant light control