Technical Manual Presence Detector SCN-P/G360XX.02
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
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4.2.4 Force or lock object
The following figure shows the settings for the force control/lock object:
Figure 9: Settings - Force control/lock object
The following table shows the possible settings for these parameters:
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Force or lock object
Force control object
Lock object
Lock object and
lock object ON
Select whether a force control object
or a lock object is to be used
Action at
Switch ON
Switch OFF
Lock (current state)
Parameter only available for lock
Defines the status which is to be sent
when the device is locked
Table 5: Settings - Force or lock object
The presence detector can be overridden with the force control/lock object and call up a certain
The force control object knows 3 possible states:
Force control ON (control = 1, value = 1)
The o
a d for ON is se t u o ditio all to the output o je t.
The evaluation is then
stopped and the release time for force control begins. If nothing is received on the force
control object after the release time has expired, normal operation is resumed..
Force control OFF (control = 1, value = 0)
The command for "OFF" is sent unconditionally to the output object. The evaluation is then
stopped and the release time for force control begins. If nothing is received on the force
control object after the release time has expired, normal operation is resumed.
Force control AUTO (control = 0, value = 0)
After that the normal operation of the detector is continued
As an alternative to the force control object, 1 or 2 locking objects of size 1 bit can be displayed. 3
different states can be configured for the lock object:
Switch ON
The light channel sends the output value ON and remains in the ON state until the locking
process is deactivated..
Switch OFF
The light channel sends the output value OFF and remains in the OFF state until the locking
process is deactivated..
Lock (current state)
The light channel is locked in its current state and remains locked until the locking process is