Technical Manual Presence Detector SCN-P/G360XX.02
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 •
Fax: +49-2263-4588
• [email protected] •
4.7.1 Procedure for TeachIn with constant light control
For using the whole advantages oft he intelligent constant light control, the presence detector has to
be adjusted once via the Teach-In process. Therefore a luxmeter is needed.
The approach is as follows:
Adjust the para eter Tea hI right ess alue to the desired right ess alue.
Mostly 400-500 Lux are used.
djust the Para eter Use Tea hI alue at appli atio do load fro Use fa tor default
hold TeachIn values
.de ge ü s hte Wert.
Make the desired settings fort he constant light function. (have a look at chapter 4.5)
Connect the communication objects for the different light groups with the objects of the
dimming actuator
Co e t the o je t 1
Status a solute di
i g alue ith the status o je t of the
dimming actuator for the light band in the middle.
Co e t the o je t 1
-Calibration st
art ith a e group address, if the ali ratio shall e
activated via the ETS (Group monitor) or with a push button.
Download the application.
The room has to be darkened or the measurement must be performed in the twilight. The
presence detector teaches the brightness and dimming values via the Teach-In function. If
the Teach-In is performed at day-/sunlight the measurement is disturbed and the saves
wrong values.
Activate the Teach-In function by sending a logical 0 to the object 18. The green LED in the
presence detector starts flashing with a 1s rhythm. Sending a logical 0 again causes an
interruption of the Teach-In process.
Change the brightness value by sending dimming values (absolute or relatrive) until the
Luxmeter swhows the adjusted value (TeachIn brightness value) at the desired height.
Now send a logical 1 to the object 18. The red and green LED flashes alternating.
The presence detector adjusts now the brightness measurement, teaches the appropriated
dimming value and learns the brightness value at different dimming values.
After successful end of the Teach-In process, the green LED flashes fast for 10 seconds. The
control is started again automatically and adjusts the brightness to the reference value. If an
error occurs, the process is aborted and the red LED flashes fast for 10 seconds. This can
occur if for example no valid dimming value is available (status). Check point 5 and start the
process again.
If the para eter use s it h o di
i g alue is adjusted to al ulate s it h o alue ,
the switch on value is calculated automatically now.