Courtesy of Main Resource, Inc. Visit us at
or call 800 362-6740
for all your Comdial needs.
9 of 34
2. Dial “*#07”
3. Choose a report:
1# – station report
1 (port number # - single station report
2# - line report
3# - SMDA department report
4# - account codes
5# - automatic reports
6# - print all records
7# - to delete SMDA records
0# - Departmental Call Distribution
8 – view (on LCD) the number of free records remaining in the system
9 – to cancel printing
Press SPKR to end.
Storing System Speed Dial Numbers:
Store up to 99 speed dial numbers at the attendant telephone. All users will be able
to access these from their individual stations. Distribute the list of stored numbers
to all users for their reference.
To program:
1. Press ITCM
2. Dial “*#02”
3. Dial 01-99 to choose storage location
4. Dial “#” to clear the current entry
5. Choose the line that is to be used:
a. Dial 01-24 for lines 1 through 24
b. Dial 91-94 for line groups 1 through 4
c. Press ITCM for intercom
6. Dial the number to be stored. Press HOLD to insert a pause. Press TAP to
store flash.
7. Press T/C
8. To program a name, enter the digits from the letter code chart above (up to
16 characters). Press T/C again to leave the name blank
9. Press T/C to save
10. Repeat steps 3-9 to store the next number
11. Press SPKR to end.