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“Thank you for calling Main Resource, good bye.”
Direct Inward Station Dialing
Direct inward station dialing (DISD) allows an external party to call an intercom
station directly, with no assistance from the attendant. The attendant must provide
callers with the following information.
Give the caller a DISD line number the extension number associated with the station
desired. When a caller makes a DISD call from an outside line, the system will
answer with a continuous dial tone. At this point the caller should enter the
extension number.
If the station is idle, the called station rings. If another station user answers the call,
the caller may ask to be transferred to the desired station. If ringing stops and the
dial tone sounds again, the caller may dial another extension. If the called station is
busy, the call is placed on hold and camped-on at the busy station. If the call is not
answered within a specified time frame, the busy tone is given, followed by a DISD
dial tone. The caller may be returned to the DISD dial tone a total of three times
and then the line is dropped.
If the called station is busy and is part of a hunt group, the caller is routed to an idle
station in the hunt group when available. If an invalid extension number is dialed,
an error tone sounds and the DISD dial tone is returned. If the extension number is
not dialed within the programmed dial time limit, the call is routed to the DISD assist
station if available. Otherwise, the line is dropped.
Answering Calls
Answering Outside Calls
When the phone sounds long single ring bursts and one of the line button lights is
flashing, press the button of the ringing line if the flashing light is red and lift the
handset. If the flashing light is orange, you have ringing line preference enabled and
may simply lift the handset to answer the call.
Answering Intercom Calls
Intercom calls are made from one system telephone to another. The call may come
directly through your speaker or your telephone will ring with two short ring bursts.
You can block voice calls if you like. See the “Blocking Voice Announce Calls” section
for instructions.
When you hear a short tone burst and then the caller’s voice, speak toward the
telephone to answer or lift handset for privacy.
When you hear two short bursts, press ITCM to respond using the speakerphone or
lift the handset for privacy.