Industrial Gaussmeter IGM11 Operating Instructions
Chapter 9 Serial Interfaces
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Version 01/2013
© 2013 MAGSYS magnet syste
me GmbH - All Rights Reserved.
The IGM11 checks the following:
starting pause before the master telegram,
parity of the single characters,
BCC check sum,
character frame of the single characters
telegram length
If the IGM detects an error, the telegram will be refused and not answered. The error
will be stored in the error queue and can be read out via the set-up menu or through
SCPI-command via another interface.
Data Content
The data content will be processed like a normal SCPI command.
Parameter Settings
Operating mode, device address and bit rate are set in the set-up menu. The transfer
rate of the data can be selected within 1200 to 38400 bit/s. The device address (bus
address) can be within 0 and 31. The character parity is set to EVEN for this interface
and cannot be modified.
To select the bus protocol in the set-up menu, choose the parameter value BUS.
Alternatively, the interface can also be operated in the mode P2P. Here, the interface
acts analogous to the normal EIA-232 interface.
EIA-485 Point-to-Point (P2P) Connection
In this operating mode, the interface acts analogous to the normal EIA-232 interface
in the SCPI mode. A telegram will be transmitted without any further frame data.
Operating mode and bit rate are set in the set-up menu. The data transfer rate can
be set within 1200 and 38400 bit/s. The device address (bus address is not relevant.
The character parity is set to EVEN for this interface and cannot be modified.
Trial Version
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