As soon as all ventilation parameters are adjusted on the ventilator, the same calculates T
according to the Frequency and T
; thus, obtaining all ventilation control times.
1. Pressure Limited Ventilation - The ventilator seeks to reach the set inspiratory pressure, which is
performed through exhalation
valve occlusion. It is important to notice that the pressure’s rise time
depends from the continuous adjusted flow.
2. The Volume delivered to the patient is a consequence of resistance and compliance from ventilator
respiratory circuit and patient breathing system. The ventilator remains on the adjusted inspiratory
pressure level during T
after which it cycles to expiration, maintaining the adjusted PEEP
3. If the pressure or flow trigger is activated, the ventilator seeks to synchronize at the beginning of
the next inspiration with the patient’s effort, according to the established levels. The information
regarding what type of trigger activated the inspiratory cycle is informed on the screen’s messages
and status area. The detection of the patient
’s inspiratory effort in order to synchronize occurs at
any moment during the expiratory time.
Default values are only an initial reference.
Readjust the ventilation parameters according to the patient’s needs.
If the patient makes inspiratory efforts and triggers are suitably set, the ventilatory mode becomes
assisted-controlled. In this situation, the monitored breathing frequency can be significantly higher
than the set one.