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4.1.3. Update of Fixture Types
If you want to use the new functionality of the fixture types in existing VPU shows this new fixture types have to
be imported into the existing VPU show. Therefore you must perform the following steps:
Take care to select the right Layer types (VPU Camera, VPU Layer etc.). If the type doesn´t fit,
the show will be damaged!
Connect the VPU to the desk and start the session.
Do a backup of the Function Blocks on the VPU:
Select the 'Content Editor' and 'Export Function Blocks' for the 'VPU Layer' and the 'Camera Layer'
-------------------------- Desk ------------------------
Import the new Fixture Types:
On the desk (or onPC):
Select 'Setup’ - 'Patch and Fixture Schedule’:
Select ‚Fixture Types':
and click on 'Import’
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grandMA2 User Manual - Main Features – Installation and Maintenance
Version 3.4 – 2018-07-25