© 2018 MA Lighting Technology GmbH - Dachdeckerstr. 16 - 97297 Waldbüttelbrunn - Germany
Phone +49 5251 688865-30 - [email protected] - www.malighting.com
We strongly recommend to use the Hap for Direct Show Codec Version 1.0.10. Video files created with
other versions of the Hap for Direct Show Codec maybe can´t be played back.
'HAP' Video requirements
Supported formats
Hap1, HapQ, HapAlpha
Frame rate
24 fps, 25fps, 29,97 fps, 30fps, 50 fps, 60 fps (2)
Bit rate
Variable Bit Rate (VBR) (3)
Maximum resolution
depends on MA VPU hardware:
– using a MA VPU MK2 the maximum resolution is 7680 x 4320 (5)
File extension video
Aspect ratio:
Pixel 1:1
Hap for Quicktime Codec
This codec is available for OSX and Windows. It creates a Hap video file inside a mov-container (1).
We strongly recommend to use the Hap for Quicktime Codec Version 8. Video files created with other
versions of the Hap for Quicktime Codec maybe can´t be played back.
'HAP for Quicktime' Video requirements
Supported formats
Hap1, HapQ, HapAlpha
Frame rate
24 fps, 25fps, 29,97 fps, 30fps, 50 fps, 60 fps (2)
Bit rate
Variable Bit Rate (VBR) (3)
Maximum resolution
3840 x 2160 (4)(5)
File extension video
Aspect ratio:
Pixel 1:1
1. Hap video files inside a mov-container can only be played back, if the installation of additional 3rd party
codecs was accepted at the EULA-prompt of the MA VPU.
2. Please note that frame rates above 30 fps are extremely resource-consuming and will decrease the
performance. Use these high frame rates only for specific reason.
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grandMA2 User Manual - Content Specifications
Version 3.4 – 2018-07-25