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The selection of several rows (multiselection) is marked by green frames.
All green highlighted values values of the same column will take over the new value.
Export- Import to Excel:
You can Export or Import the panels to an Excel (.csv) file via the context menu
Copy & Paste from an Excel Sheet
Note: you can only do this on a Media PC or on a external PC running the VPU Software. Only the Name of the
fixture, PosX, PosY and Rot can be manipulated.
If you want to use the functionality in combination with a VPU, this external PC has to be in a session with the
VPU or the same showfile that you just edited.
It has to be uploaded to the VPU afterwards. Create an Excel sheet or Tab separated .txt file that fits the options
in the VPU change all cells to the desired values:
Excel Spreadsheet
Copy these settings to the clipboard by pressing CTRL + C (only values shall be selected, not the headline,
numerical values comma or Tab separated, so e.g. only values like “2,3” are valid.
Open the VPU software; go to the grid view in the pixel mapper mode.
Select the row, where you want to insert new values:
Pixel Mapper editor - Grid view
Right click into the grid view and select “Paste”. The result looks like this:
167 of 218
grandMA2 User Manual - Pixel Mapper
Version 3.4 – 2018-07-25