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The switch 'Type’ decides if the calculation is done in the RGB (Red Green Blue) or HSB (Hue
Saturation Brightness) model.
(ColBoost-R; -G; -B)
ColBoost (50,50,50)
Manipulate the intensity of red, green or blue color of the image separately.
soft Borders
(Left Hard, Left Soft, Right Hard…Top Hard, Top Soft) Borders can be used for realizing PiP
(picture in picture) applications.
Softborder works with alpha channels so that the layer underneath can even shine through
the top layer to merge the layers.
For example first cut the layer to a smaller size (which is NOT scaling!) and then create a
soft edge by using the soft parameter for the respective side of the layer.
This makes the layer underneath shine through (see picture).
Borders also can be changed via the special dialog in the desk:
Therefore select the layer, select the feature 'Border' and press the button 'Special Dialog' at
the desk.
Select an 2D or 3D object on which surface the image or video is shown
(Transistion Type)
Single Layer Transistion
: (grandMA 2 only)
Select a fade effect between images on the layer.
(Transistion Time)
The transistion time can be set from 0….3600 seconds
VObj. I-Pool
Pool ‚
’ selected
Selection of the 'I-Pool’. One ‚Pool’ can contain up to 255 images or videos
VObj. Images
Choose the image or video from the selected 'Pool’
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grandMA2 User Manual - Features Attributes and Functions
Version 3.4 – 2018-07-25